The ultimate multiple computer tool!
Synergy is now, as far as I am concerned, the BEST tool for anyone with multiple computers on one desktop. It is multi-platform, open-source, and free. How can any Linux user pass that up? Well, I don't know. I'm using it on my Macbook Pro and my Windows XP desktop as I type this. It allows you to easily set up multiple computers to use one keyboard and mouse to control both (or more) computers. It just sets up computers set up in a, right left, up, and down position and has the mouse jump between the screens with ease, and the keyboard will follow. As I type this on my Mac (server in my case), I am playing Roller Coaster Tycoon(tm), on my PC (client), and using only this keyboard and trackpad. It's a deffinate download in my book. Check it out right here! Hosted on sourceforge just like many other great open source programs. Have fun, and be sure to post your results!